Water donated to Street Kind UK

240 cartons of water donated to Street Kind UK

Street Kind UK are a group of extremely passionate volunteers who dedicate one Sunday every month to give out hot food, drinks and essentials like nail clippers, toiletries, underwear, socks, and even free haircuts! They collect donation items from the local community and give them directly to those who are in need at their outreach services. Their motto is “Kindness goes a long way” and have been operating every month since March 2019. 

We joined them this month at their service in Covent Garden and thanks to our customers and supporters, we were able to donate 240 cartons of water. It was great to get the chance to work with Ijlal, one of the founding members! Their dedication continues to change lives and inspire more people to spread kindness.

The next Street Kind UK outreach dates for the upcoming months are 20th September, 18th October, and 15th November. They are always looking for volunteers to help with their services, so if you’re looking for something kind to do on these days, be sure to reach out to them! Alternatively, you can always donate essentials directly to them, get something from their Amazon Wishlist, or donate through their GoFundMe page.

Find their Facebook and Instagram pages here.

Thank you Street Kind UK for your hard work and dedication towards helping our local homelessness communities!